Tag Archives: Teaching our daughters

Abby’s First Ballet Class


Okay, it’s not really ballet. I mean, come on, she’s only 2. It’s a sweet class for little girls called Princess Fun! She was so excited because she got to wear a “dance outfit” and her “balley shoes.” Today was her first class, and she loved it. I took a few pics before we left for class. Look how happy she is! And completely adorable, if I do say so myself.

Abby ballet

Abby ballet3

In class, they are supposed to learn “poise, balance, and basic ballet moves all with an emphasis on exercising their imaginations and believing that they can be anything they want.” They are encouraged to wear their favorite princess dress over their dance clothes.  I love the whole idea of this class. I snuck in & quickly took this pic before the girls could see me. Aren’t they cute?Abby ballet4

Abby was so enchanted with her new dance outfit that that’s all she wanted to wear. She was the youngest in the class, as it’s for 3-5 year olds, and she will be 3 in July. But she was having such a ball. She is a free little spirit, and she flitted around that room so joyfully that Miss Nicole had to reign her in more than once. It was such fun to watch.

Little Miss Attitude


Just look at my little girl- check out that attitude! Woo, she’s a sassy one! She’s the boss! Look at her running the place! Don’t mess with that girl! What a diva!


Is this supposed to be cute? I’m sorry, but I don’t get it. I don’t want my daughter to have an “attitude.” I don’t want her “putting people in their place.” I don’t want her wearing a shirt that says, “I’m not backtalkin, I’m just giving you attitude.”   Guess what? I don’t think attitudes on little girls are cute. At all. Don’t get me wrong,  I am one hundred percent all about self-confidence and standing up for yourself & what you believe in. And I am teaching Abby that. Believe me, with these 2 brothers, she will have to be strong & stand up for herself. But I also believe in respect & humility. I’m afraid we are encouraging our girls to be too sassy, because we think it is cute. And we think that it makes them a little bit tough, so no one will “mess” with them. Here’s the deal. We can teach our daughters to have a strong sense of self without being disrespectful. Just don’t feed the monster. Do you want your daughter to grow up being a diva? I don’t. So I’m not going to teach her to be one now.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”  Matthew 23:12